Monday, February 9, 2015

Little LifeHacks

  • Change the wallpaper on your phone's lock screen to a motivational photo or quote that relates to a goal you are working on right now. Pinterest is a great source of photos and quotations for every area of your life. Be aware, however, that the photo of the tight, toned yoga-ite might motivate you for a week to get to the gym after work, but after a month you'll cruise right past your phone's lock screen as you Yelp the closest donut shop. The moral? Change the image often to keep yourself motivated!
  • Listen to a spiritual or self-help audiobook or podcast in the car instead of the radio. Looking for a free book? Check out our previous post on how to get free audiobooks from the Hoopla app: Free Hoopla iPhone & Android App
  • Keep a dry erase marker in the bathroom to write gratitude lists or inspirational quotes on the bathroom mirror. Write your significant other a sweet note on their bathroom mirror as well. 
  • Change the message on your phone's alarm to something personally inspirational. The text that pops up on my iPhone each morning is "This Day is a Blessing".  Other ideas: "You are Beautiful" or "Coffee Awaits".

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